Five Tips for Catholic Blogging and Social Media

So, you’re excited about your faith and want to share it. You want to evangelize! You realize that much of the world has moved online and fear that will be a great place to share it. But how?

I’ve seen everything. I saw a Twitter account with fewer than 100 followers claiming to be at the forefront of social media evangelization. On the other hand, Common Catholic Girl told me that she started simply as a way to express her Catholicism, which her friends at Auburn didn’t understand. She is now one of the strongest Catholic voices evangelizing young people on Twitter.

Before I get into the five tips, I want to make a note about the term evangelization. I will use evangelization in the broad sense to include both those who bring people into the Church and those who help Church members deepen their relationships with Jesus. I think we need both types. A mystical blog like “St. John of the Cross Today” will help Catholics deepen their prayer life. “The Over-Caffeinated Housewife” might draw a lot of moms in who are not Catholic, and then they begin considering the faith from how this mom weaves her faith and life together.

Read the rest on Catholic Stand.

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