Müller’s defense of ‘Amoris Laeitia’ reads it in Church tradition

Card. Müller came out strongly in support of reading Amoris Laetitia last week so I summarized it and commented.

20170109T0953-7162-CNS-MULLER-DUBIA_800-690x450On Thursday of last week, Cardinal Gerhard Müller continued his defense of an orthodox reading of Amoris Laeitia in the most forceful manner yet in an interview with EWTN’s Raymond Arroyo.

Müller, the head of the Vatican’s doctrine office, has maintained that Amoris Laetitia should be interpreted in line with tradition in interviews published in December 2016 and February 2017. However, this is his most forceful defense.

When asked about the exhortation, Müller immediately goes to the core of what the synods and Amoris were about: “To underline the importance of the marriage and the families and the marriage especially the marriage between baptized persons as the sacrament.”

It is not just about the question of Communion for the divorced and remarried.

Before getting to the main point, the cardinal sets a few preliminaries. First, “It is absolutely impossible that the Pope […] presents a doctrine which is plainly against the words of Jesus Christ.” Second, “The doctrine according to the indissolubility of the matrimony, of the sacramental matrimony is absolutely clear.”

Read the rest over at Crux.

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